
A Unity ID allows you to buy and/or subscribe to Unity products and services, shop in the Asset Store and participate in the Unity community. Unity の Andorid ビルドをインストールした時に、JDK周りのツールがオプションのため、インストールされていないことが原因なので、UnityHubから追加します。 Unity Hub を起動して、該当のUnityのバージョンの・をクリックします。 モジュールを加えるを選択し.

Package Details: unityhub 2.4.3-1

Package Actions

  • View PKGBUILD / View Changes
Git Clone URL: https://aur.archlinux.org/unityhub.git (read-only, click to copy)
Package Base: unityhub
Description: The Unity Hub is a standalone application that streamlines the way you find, download, and manage your Unity Projects and installations.
Upstream URL: https://unity.com/
Licenses: custom
Submitter: spacepluk
Maintainer: mglo
Last Packager: mglo
Votes: 34
Popularity: 1.75
First Submitted: 2018-08-31 12:14
Last Updated: 2021-04-11 17:18

Dependencies (8)

  • cpio(cpio-git)
  • gconf(gconf-gtk2)
  • gtk2(gtk2-patched-gdkwin-nullcheck, gtk2-ubuntu, gtk2-git, gtk2-minimal-git, gtk2-patched-filechooser-icon-view)
  • nss(nss-hg)
  • p7zip(p7zip-natspec, p7zip-jinfeihan57-git)
  • zip(zip-natspec)

Required by (4)

  • unity-editor(optional)
  • unity-editor-beta(optional)
  • unity-editor-lts(optional)
  • unity-editor-vrchat(optional)

Koushik_Sahu commented on 2021-04-18 12:19

I installed this package and with the edit to PKGBUILD mentioned in the comments I was able to install it successfully. But when I open unityhub by clicking on the desktop icon nothing happens. No window, nothing. Can anyone please help?

ArchieMeng commented on 2021-04-01 16:48


You have to change '${pkgdir}/opt/${pkgname}/unityhub-bin' into '${pkgdir}/opt/${pkgname}/unityhub' at line 53 in the PKGBUILD, otherwise you will get the error like 'unityhub/unityhub-bin': No such file or directory'

This issue is still not fixed even after almost a year.

Breadleaf commented on 2021-03-11 16:51

I needed to run sudo pacman -S gconf to get the editor to run.

ColonelThirtyTwo commented on 2021-02-07 01:02

Please add gconf to the dependency list - it's needed for the editor to run.

Just-Punk commented on 2020-12-10 22:29

I encountered the issue that there is not enough free space to install modules.If you cope either with that please enlarge temporarily your /tmp, e.g.:mount -o remount,size=14G,noatime /tmp

manjaro_loover commented on 2020-12-09 19:55

I've installed the latest Unity using the hub but trying to launch it I get 'Error launching the editor: license is invalid'.

Is there no free version for Unity linux like there is on Windows??

laurentO commented on 2020-11-09 11:31

I'm unable to start the 2.4.2 version. The following error occurs: 'A javascript error occured in the main process'

Any idea ?

HunabKu commented on 2020-10-26 04:06

dasrow commented on 2020-09-20 21:11

unityhub 2.4 is out, do we have a chance to upgrade to this?

Qwertystop commented on 2020-07-25 15:25

Having an issue with the hub — attempting to use it install versions other than the ones provided directly in the hub, through Unity's download archive, isn't working. Specifically, the Unity Hub links on https://unity3d.com/get-unity/download/archive result in Unity Hub opening, gaining focus, and not actually downloading anything. The log file it keeps is not changed by this attempt and it doesn't seem to make any network requests as a result. Any idea? My web browser is Firefox and my desktop environment is Xfce, if that's relevant. The versions the hub can install work fine, as did downloading the older version manually by grabbing the tarball link out of the relevant PKGBUILD from [unity-editor](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/unity-editor/) and then pointing Unity Hub at the extracted files as a version installed separately.

  • 1Setting Up the Workspace

You will need

Unity Hub.appimage

  • Unity Hub - Install from this link https://unity3d.com/get-unity/download
  • Unity 2018.4.13f1 - Paste “unityhub://2018.4.13f1/497f083a43af “ into your web browser (When Unity Hub opens and asks you to select modules, untick all and press “Install”).
  • Steamworks.NET unitypackagehttps://github.com/rlabrecque/Steamworks.NET/releases/download/13.0.0/Steamworks.NET_13.0.0.unitypackage
  • TerraTechModTool unitypackagehttps://drive.google.com/drive/folders/18GZx65Z1f8uZsoUDApOQI8iF4uns-OID?usp=sharing
  • Image Editing Software (skin textures) -GIMP is a good choice as it’s free and open source, but you can use any program that supports the .png image format.
  • 3D Modelling Software (block models) - We'd recommend Blender It's free and open-source, and it supports the features you'll need to make blocks, but any 3D modelling package that supports the .fbx model format will be suitable.
  • TerraTech Modding Resources - A package of template texture and model files: http://terratechgame.com/downloads/TerraTech%20Modding%20Resources.zip

1. Run Unity Hub and click the dropdown next to “New”. Select 2018.4.13f1. If this version doesn’t appear, go back to the setup steps above and install it.

2. Name your project, choose a folder and click “Create”. Choose 3D as the template. This will take a minute to open a new Unity Editor window.

3. Open the “Assets” menu and navigate to “Import Package” > “Custom Package…”.

4. Navigate to where you downloaded the Steamworks.NET.unitypackage and select it

5. In the “Import Unity Package” window, click “All” in the bottom left and then “Import” on the bottom right.

6. Repeat steps 3-5 for the TerraTechModTool.unitypackage

Creating a Mod[edit | edit source]

A mod can consist of Skins, Blocks and Custom Corporations. You may want to create a mod that contains only custom blocks or skins for existing corporations, or maybe build your own unique corporation with its own blocks.

1. The ‘Mod Designer’ panel should open automatically. If it does not, or if you close it at any point, you can open it again by selecting the ‘Tools’ item from the menu bar and clicking on ‘TerraTech Mod Designer’.

2. In the Mod Designer, give your new mod a name. This is the name that will appear on the Steam Workshop if you decide to publish it. Click the ‘+’ icon to create it.

3. Now select your mod from the drop-down list and click ‘Edit Content’

4. Depending on the type of content you’ll be adding to your mod, follow the appropriate guide;

Unityhub Login

Exporting to the Game[edit | edit source]


As you develop your mod, you will want to test it in game. To do this you must export the mod to a local folder.

1. Enter the path of your TerraTech folder (you can find this by right clicking the game in Steam, going to properties and clicking on ‘Browse Local Files’)

2. Press ‘Export’. This will take a moment to package up the mod and then copy it into the specified folder.

Your mod will load automatically in singleplayer only when you run the game.

NB. The unitypackage can’t obtain permissions to copy to Program Files, so if you have TerraTech installed in Program Files, you will need to manually drag and drop the exported files into the LocalMods folder in your TerraTech directory.

Share your Mod on the Steam Workshop[edit | edit source]

When you are happy with your mod and it has been thoroughly tested you may wish to publish it to the Steam Workshop.

1. If you want to change the preview image that will display when people view your Mod on the workshop, you can edit preview.png in your mod’s folder (Assets/Mods/{Your Mod Name}/preview.png). It must be under 1MB.

2. When you are ready to push your mod to Steam Workshop, click ‘Steam Upload’ and then ‘Register Steam Workshop Item’ to get an id assigned to your mod. At this point, a blank item will appear on the Workshop on your Steam account.

3. Once you have a Steam Workshop ID registered for your mod, you can enter change notes and click ‘Publish Mod To Steam’. This will update the Workshop item with the latest copy of the mod files and will go live immediately. Users of your mod will have to redownload it next time they start the game.

4. To test, navigate to Steam Workshop and search for ‘Mods’. Your mod should now be listed there, and players will be able to subscribe to it.

Unity Hub

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