ISize Icons Pro

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Isize Icons Pro Download

  1. Tip: You can also use the scroll wheel on your mouse to resize desktop icons.On the desktop, press and hold Ctrl while you scroll the wheel to make icons larger or smaller. For information on how to show or hide individual Windows icons, see Find the Recycle Bin.
  2. You can adjust the size of desktop icons in macOS or OS X from the Finder by going to View-Show View Options (Command-J). You can increase/decrease the icon size as well as the text size for each icon. Filed Under: Mac OS X, Desktop, Icons.

Isize Icons Pro 9

ISize H=1080 iSize W=1920 or set yours to the preferred resolution. You gonna have to play with it for a bit. Its all been said before. Now the important part. Set your screen refresh rate no higher then 60Hz. Regardless even if you have a 300Hz screen.